How To Enter Commercial Bills

v1.1 09/30/04
 The basic rules for succesful commmercial invoicing are:
 1)  Post Payments as received.  When you get a check, post it that day, as you would expect.
 3)  Post ALL commercial invoices before the end of the month of service.  If an invoice has a service date of 08/01/04-08/31/04, make the invoice before month 9. 
 If you cannot, you have several choices:
     If you've entered the invoice, accept that the line will not be detailed on the bill, but included in the balance (commercial bills are really statements of activity for the chosen month- the amount due at the botom of the page is ALWAYS the clients CURRENT outstanding due, not the amount due at the end of the statement month, which might be different if you've gotten out of synch with the billing. 
     Another option is to fake the date and time on the PC runnning the bills by changing the system clock to the last day of the statement month and run the bills.  This will detail the invoices instead of bundling them into the prior balance, but payments made after the statment month won't be included in the "Payments Received in Month", but they WILL be included in the Starting balance and Please Pay this Total- it will confuse folks a little, but the total due will reflect their true debt and the received posted payment will have been credited, even though it is more recent than the statement month.
     The final option is to run the bills as is, after the statement month (you still give the statement month as the date to the billing run), here the detail lines will not print and instead the last invoice will be listed, it's dollars listed to the left of the the usual column, and the month's invoices bundled into the Starting Balance.  The bottom line is the CURRENT balance-reflecting any posted receipts or invoices beyond the statement month.
 NB:  If you screw up Rule 2, finance charges will be levied prematurely on invoices that are NOT overdue and have not yet been billed.
    It is standard procedure to run the follow the 3 steps described above.  The office should try to make commercial invoices promptly after running the finance charges, and run the commercial bills in the same month.  If you need to, move the Finance charge run up a day so you have time, do that.  You DON'T have to run the Regular Residential Bills immediately after you run the Finance charges-the balances will be brought up to date before any bill printing starts, so the finance charges, late fees, monthly fee and any payments made AFTER "Generate Finance Charges" will be summed and included in the bill's balance.    So you can run finance charges, then key in commercial invoices, then print the commercials and/or the residentials at ANY TIME BEFORE THE END OF THE MONTH.  If you wait past then, see rule three above.

Launch the program


Select Records, then Bills/Credits. You will see something like this:


Now Click the ADD button to add an invoice


Key in the Customer ID # in the PICKUP ID field and press enter, and you will see something like this:


Please note the lower window. Scroll to the right until you can see the C2, I2,Code2, P2 fields.

Also note: If you have arranged the window in the past the columns may be narrower.

Key in a 1 in the field called C2, immediately to the left of the word COMMERCIAL

Key in the Dollar amount you wish to charge the customer in the P2 column.Check to be sure the decimal point is in the right place.

Click on the DONE button. You have completed the entry of an invoice.

Running the Monthly Finance Charges for Commercial Customers

Please see the introduction to this section, How To Run Commercial Bills, before proceeding.

The image “file:///_act_/dox/trn_billing_menu_closeup1.png” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

Levy Finance Charges

The image “file:///_act_/dox/trn_bill_chgint.png” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

Enter "C"

Printing the Monthly Bills for Commercial Customers

The image “file:///_act_/dox/trn_bill_comprt.png” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

Enter the Statement Month and Year.  Always enter 01 for the day of the month.

The image “file:///_act_/dox/trn_bill_comprt1.png” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

The image “file:///_act_/dox/trn_billmenu.png” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.